Print Advertising with Waterway Guide
Our guides are updated annually through crowd-sourcing and expert reviews from on-the-water cruising editors, ensuring the most current and reliable information.
Features Include:
- Over 4,000 marinas and thousands of anchorages
- Highlighted alerts & cautions to ensure safe cruising
- Full-color aerial photographs of major waterways, ports, and harbors
- Color-coded and spiral-bound design for easy reference at the helm
Media Specifications
Full Page Ad, Trim Size | 8.125 | X 10.5 |
Full Page Ad, With Bleed (Live Area 7.125″ x 9.5″) |
8.5 | X 10.875 |
Full Page Ad, No Bleed | 7.125 | X 9.5 |
1/2 Page Horizontal Ad | 7.0625 | X 4.47 |
1/2 Page Vertical Ad | 3.448 | X 9.0625 |
1/3 Page Horizontal Ad | 7.0625 | X 4.47 |
1/3 Page Vertical Ad | 3.448 | X 6.8 |
1/4 Page Ad | 3.448 | X 4.47 |
1/8 Page Ad | 3.448 | X 2.18 |
Front & Back Cover Trim Size | 8.125 | X 10.5 |
Front & Back Cover, w/Bleed (Live Area 7.125″ x 9.5″) |
8.5 | X 10.875 |
Front & Back Flaps Trim Size | 5.5 | X 10.5 |
Front & Back Flaps, w/Bleed (Live Area 4.5″ x 9.5″) |
5.875 | X 10.875 |
Web Sponsorship Ad | 234 | X 60 |
Newsletter Leaderboard | 650 | X 100 |
Newsletter Box | 320 | X 350 |
APP ADS (pixels) | WIDTH X | HEIGHT |
Box Ad | 1000 | X 1000 |
Leaderboard | 1000 | X 200 |
Print File Format:
- PDF is the preferred file format for completed ads, all fonts embedded, all CMYK. Bleed is 0.1875″ on all sides. Please set crop marks to offset by 0.2″
- InDesign, Illustrator and Photoshop
Images, Fonts, Logos and Illustration Art:
- OK to use tiff, eps or jpeg; convert everything to CMYK
- Convert all type to outlines
Print Resolution:
- 300 ppi (pixels per inch) at 100% cropped size
Web File Format:
- 72 ppi. (pixels per inch) at 100% cropped size RGB Color, Images that are not RGB will be converted.
- Maximum file size of 2MB
Fonts and Supporting Art:
- Include all fonts, images, logos/artwork
App Ad Constraints:
- Preferred file types are High Quality PDF with all fonts loaded or a PNG that has been exported for Web Use
- Small text should be avoided
- All logos and photos should be high quality